Course Curriculum

What’s the difference between the Ultimate Nail Academy Online Course vs The Virtual Course?

 The Ultimate Nail Academy Online Course is the exact same curriculum that’s taught in my in person classes and virtual classes just in a recorded video form. From Hands on acrylic application, designs, stone bonding, how to build your clientele , product knowledge, infection control and much more!! It’s still me live recorded, which means you get to take the course on your own time, in sections if you like and it includes replay option so you can replay videos if needed. 

  • Lifetime Support is still included in this course, only difference is because it not a Live Class you can’t ask questions at that moment to be answered you will have to email us. 
  • Certificate of Completion is given (Not a Nail Tech License) 
  • Nail Booklet & Supply List is Included 
  • This Course does not include a starter Kit 

If your more into having a live virtual nail class session where you can ask questions during class and would like a starter kit. Our recommendation is enrolling in our 1on1 Virtual Class Option or In person Class Options  At

 (This is not a nail license course)

Our Students Testimonies